Have a Break!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Project Runway

Task: For your graduating project, you will be embarking on a Fashion Design Experience. You will learn more about the 60s fashion trend from the National Museum and attend a workshop on researching and designing an outfit. You will then create an outfit and each class will select the best 2 outfits to be showcased during the Graduation Concert.

Group Criteria: A maximum of 7 group members, with a minimum of 2 members from the opposite gender

Design Criteria: You have to design an outfit with a “green” theme (recycled material, old clothes, etc)


1) Model

• He/She should be someone who is energetic and is able to bring out the style of the outfit

2) Outfit Designer x 2
• He/She should be someone who should be rather good in Art and is able to design the ‘look’ for the outfit’.
• He/She will discuss with the group on the choice of materials/fabrics/accessories.
• He/She will also have to submit the design on A3 Drawing paper.

3) Outfit Maker x 2
• They are the ones who will construct the outfit and bring the design to ‘life’ for the model

4) Vodcast Editor
• The whole process of your group’s designing will be recorded with the use of a video camera.
• The Vodcast Editor is the main person putting together the whole process in a film (Not more than 5 minutes for the whole clip using Windows Movie Maker).
• He/She should be someone who is proficient with the use of MP3/Digital Camera/Windows Movie Maker.
• He/She will work together with the Presenter for the interviewing/filming process.
• At the end, your group should have a video to show us how the group worked together to produce that outfit.

5) Presenter
• This person should be eloquent and will work together with the Vodcast Editor to interview the group members.
• He/She will also be the one explaining to the audience the inspiration behind outfit/materials used, etc.

Monday, October 12, 2009
