Have a Break!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Year End Photos!

Enjoy! I like the class photos! :) Sweet Memories. I hope everyone had fun too~

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Miss My Pupils~

Hey students!

It's close to the end of 2008. Another new year is almost here! I'm looking forward to 2009! Hope all of you are too!

Thanks for sending your regards to me when I was sick. I'll try to upload photos on the blog soon. I've not been feeling well and school kept me busy. For those who do not know of this, teachers have to go back to school even during the school holidays. :) That's why I am still going back to school.

I know that you miss your classmates and some of you are unhappy and lonely in the new class. However, do not fret and be sad. Woodgrove Primary School is not that big! You will still bump into your friends during recess time and after school. There are plenty of chances for you to still mingle around and chat like what you used to in Primary 5.

Hope to see all of you cheerful and happy next year. It's PSLE and get ready for a tough ride ahead. Remember what I always used to say in class. Never, never, NEVER Give Up!

Miss U All! See U next year! Last but not least....